
Mysterium Magnum

Mysterium Magnum is Latin for "great mystery" and has many different associations and usages.

Jakob Bohme
"Mysterium Magnum is nothing but the faculty of the Deity to conceal itself, in company with the Being of all beings, from this mystery proceed others, and each mystery is the mirror and model of the next.
And here is the great marvel of eternity, in which all is included, and which from all eternity has been seen in the mirror of wisdom.
And nothing passes that has not been, from all eternity, known in the mirror of Wisdom." [Short Explanation of Six Mystical Points by Jakob Bohme, c. 1620]

Jacob Boehme (1575–November 17, 1624) a German Christian mystic wrote a treatise entitled, "The Mysterium Magnum" (1623).

Paracelsus and other alchemists employed the term "Mysterium Magnum" to denote primordial undifferentiated matter, from which all the Classical Elements sprang, sometimes compared with Brahman, aether and akasha.

"This operation of the outflown word becoming a passive substance is the Mysterium Magnum - the greatest hidden secret;" contending that the original of all things lies in that our ideas produce acts; that the Infinite One or the "Word of God" produced creatures. "The Magia is above nature and maketh nature according to its will." [The Action of Force is Spiro-Vortex]

See Also

The Action of Force is Spiro-Vortex

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Friday January 19, 2024 08:10:42 MST by Dale Pond.