
Figure 1.3.1 - Subdivisions of Matter and Energy according to Keely

Keely's Molecular and Atomic Morphology
Keely's Molecular and Atomic Morphology (see Subdivision)

Has also been described as Fractal.

Triple Cardinal Directions, Vectors or Dimensions
Three Vectors
(click to enlarge)
Triple Cardinal Directions, Vectors or Dimensions
Three Planes
(click to enlarge)
Triple Cardinal Directions, Vectors or Dimensions
Three Spheres
(click to enlarge)

Figure 4.13 - Triplet Originations and Centralizations of Matter resultant from Three Relative Motions, Planes and Axis

See Also

velocity of rotating etheric stream

Rotating Triplets Animation
Figure 7B.06 - Rotating Triplets Animation
Showing Rotation on Three Planes

^Invalid YouTube URL provided
Three Rotating Bodies on Three Planes

See Also

atomic triplet
Figure 1.3 - Subdivisions of Matter and Energy other views__
Figure 14.03 - A section from one of Keelys charts showing his generous use of Triplets
Figure 4.13 - Triplet Originations and Centralizations of Matter
Figure 4.14 - Feynmans Triplet Structures of the Proton and Neutron
Figure 7B.05 - Triplet Forming a Unity
Figure 7B.06 - Rotating Triplets Animation
Figure 7B.09 - Feynmans Triplet Structure of Photon
Rotating Envelope
Triplet Attraction
Triplet Rotation
1.5 - Fractal Structure of Matter
7B.04 - Triplets Form Larger Units of Unity
7B.05 - Rotating Triplets

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Thursday November 15, 2018 07:01:55 MST by Dale Pond.