
Edward R Dewey

Edward Russel Dewey (1895-1978) was an economist who studied cycles in economics and other fields.

Dewey first became interested in cycles while Chief Economic Analyst of the Department of Commerce in 1930 or 1931 because President Hoover wanted to know the cause of the Great Depression. Dewey reported that each economist he spoke to gave him a different answer and he lost faith in the current economic methods. He received and took advice to study how business behaviour occurred rather than why. Therefore his views are generally regarded as inconsistent with mainstream economics.

Dewey devoted his life to the study of cycles, claiming that "everything that has been studied has been found to have cycles present." He carried out extensive studies of cyclicity in economic, geological, biological, sociology, physical sciences and other disciplines. In 1940, Edward R. Dewey learned of a 1931 Canadian conference on biological cycles held at Matamek. Under the guidance of Dewey and the conference leader, Copley Amory, the conference’s Permanent Committee was reorganized into the Foundation for the Study of Cycles in 1941, and its scope was enlarged to encompass all disciplines. The foundation was set up with a board that included distinguished scientists and industrialists to act as a central clearing house of cycles studies from diverse areas. Wikipedia, Edward R. Dewey

See Also

Foundation for the Study of Cycles
Ray Tomes

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday February 18, 2014 03:56:34 MST by Dale Pond.